Troop 13 was founded in October of 2020. Our first meeting only had twelve people show up. We started from nothing and hit the ground running. We have slowly built structure and a good troop, all of this was done by some awesome adults, and the Scouts. One of the biggest things for Troop 13 is the fact that we think it is very important for the Scouts to run the program and for parents to be guides, but the parents/adults are not there to run the program that job is up to the Scouts!
Troop 13 has had a short history, but in our short history we have shaped into a troop that helps young Scouts go through their scouting journey and we show what the true meaning of a community is. Sometimes it is not about the destination, but the journey you took to get there. That is something that we are shaping right now, our journey as a troop to get the destination of a community that is built on something that we built together as a troop.
Who we are
For young men between the ages of 11 and 18, Troop 13 is the example of what a BSA Scout troop should look like. Created in October 2020, this unit has already established a reputation for service, citizenship and adventure.
Past Event Examples
Meetings are generally only 1 1/2 hours per week
Monthly Troop Camping or Outings (Examples):
January: Field Day Campout
February: Beach Campout
March: Skills Campout
April: Camporee
May: Fishing and Cave Exploring Campout
June: Summer Camp (week long)
July: Escape Room Challenge
August: Longhorn Cavern
September: Shooting Sports Campout
October: Webelos Woods
November: Backpacking Trip (Overnight)
December: Court of Honor & Holiday Party